Wednesday, September 1, 2010

At Any Cost

"This is what is causing the delay in finding Kyron...
Is it Terri Horman's lawyer's job, to "protect" Terri Horman at all costs...? Or, would it be right for him to stop this heartache, and the constant flow of tax payer money being lost in this search?

What if the county is bankrupt by the cost of the search? Does this factor into the thinking?
If a client is innocent, the fight must be waged. But if you were Terri Horman's attorney, and you saw the polygraph results, and you knew that she could end the additional suffering by the family and by the public at large; and put an end to the effusion of public money that will hurt them all...
would you counsel her to tell the truth and bear the consequence?"

(This is a quote from another website- I realize, because I can't immediately locate the link, I should not be posting it here- but, it's such a great comment, I felt we couldn't do without it too- I'll keep trying to find the link to this quote, and when I do, it will be posted.)

The issues posed in the above quote are issues that pose a very serious problem for me personally- I've run the gamete from anger, to just plain contempt for defense attorneys because of this very fact- If Terri Horman kidnapped Kyron, with or without help, or even worse, God forbid, murdered Kyron, how is it humane to allow an investigation to continue into locating Kyron if that location has been revealed to Terri's defense attorney! How could a defense attorney, any defense attorney allow the suffering of other human beings go on and on and on without regard to the pain and suffering it is causing them by way of this missing little boy- not to mention the suffering of the child himself who would want to be home with his family- or in the worst case, the suffering of this child at the hands of someone Terri may have given him to or sold him into..

The question is, does Terri's defense attorney advise her to remain silent in the face of human and child suffrage? Or does Terri Horman really know where Kyron is and what happened to him? Has Terri Horman lied to her attorney and misled him? Or is Terri's attorney defending her because she by all accounts appears guilty, when in reality she is not guilty of any more than callousness at the loss of her step son?

In my mind, if Terri Horman does know the location of Kyron Horman- and is a party to his demise- and she has told her attorney this information. . . it makes her attorney a part of an ongoing criminal act against this child by not advising her to take responsibility and release that location. Kyron isn't a bargaining chip, he is a child that needs to be brought back into a healthy environment or if he is not alive, he needs to be brought back for a Christian burial... and an autopsy needs to be conducted so his parents know what actually happened to him. . .

It makes no sense to me that anyone, even a defense attorney worth millions of dollars would or could stand by and see a living child suffer days without end just to win a case- Therefore, I have to believe Terri Horman is either lying to her attorney or she may not know where Kyron is in reality- or there is some other explanation. . . but not one of an attorney hiding behind legal justice to win a case for his client at the expense of a suffering child.. it just does not compute to me.

We will wait, and we will see what answers these questions bring. . .

It is worthy to mention- Yes, from the very beginning, I've believed that Terri Horman is involved in the disappearance of little Kyron. But, I'm not willing to go so far as to want to lynch and hang someone just to find a perpetrator- and especially not at Kyron's expense! If there is a small chance of someone outside of this present picture involved in the disappearance of Kyron, That's the end result I want to be involved in as far as finding true and proper justice for Kyron. If Terri Horman does know where Kyron is, as Desiree and Kaine have said, and I have thought- then it's up to her attorney to now council her- and that is the stopping point and the turning point for me- what and how does he council her? To What End? To stay silent "At ALL Cost", even to the cost of Kyron himself!

In my belief that Terri Horman is involved, still- I can't be so blindsided and hopefully not anyway- as to not see how far off the rest of this case is as far as finding Kyron, focusing on Kyron, and being prepared for Kyron's rescue and home coming! That part of the case is almost non-existant. I feel as others do, in some cases, Kaine Horman is a manipulative man without wisdom- I fee he is controlling and manipulating media, the public, and in that manipulation- has no understanding of what it really will take to provide for the psychological needs, mental health needs, and physical needs of a traumatized small child, such as Kyron- most especially if Terri Horman is involved and Kryon knows it and has been in danger because of it on a daily basis... If Kaine and Desiree are really prepared, then they hide that physical evidence from the public who by now is mentally and emotionally invested in the well-being of Kyron all the way around- by looking at the whole picture!