Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Life As Usual

Life As Usual?

So, we have to biological parents together again? Rarely, anymore, do we find Desiree's husband, Tony Young standing in the picture somewhere comforting his wife. The first two occasions the public was able to see Desiree Young, to be honest, Desiree looked frazzled and without an ounce of reasonable energy.. as would have been normal under her circumstances. . .Desiree had been subjected to untold heart ache and probably fear with a newly missing child. But that all changed rather rapidly with the onset of news interviews and magazine interviews (People Magazine)etc. Now, suddenly, Desiree Young appeared stronger and more alert- she seemed to have gained some self-composure and was clearly able to speak for herself.

Kaine Horman changed too.. at first, Tony Young seemed the stronger of the two- but it wasn't long before we found Kaine had a side to him that would suggest not a strength, but a real controlling personality- one who needed to have things his way or no way.. Kaine continued to say he wanted Kyron's picture out there and he wanted everything to be about Kyron- still, he was noted to be tossing out news reporters right and left because they apparently didn't suit his style of reporting- never mind the fact that the news articles in question would have continued to keep Kyron's story alive- they didn't fit with Kyron's dad, so he threw them out of the room as one would discarded garbage. . . and he outed them in a hurry!

Once Kaine and Desiree Got what Seemed To Be Control Of The Media Forum- it all came together quickly! Now Kaine and Desiree were convinced of Terri's guilt. They accused her of kidnapping and told her that she was going to jail at some point- Desiree Kept reading statements that were directed to Terri Horman, and most statements were in some form of mild accusation and threat of arrest. Desiree never seemed to allow an opportunity to go buy now that didn't "implore Terr Horman To Do The Right Thing"

Although Kaine didn't directly communicate with Terri Horman- (he was not supposed to, he was supposed to communicate through an attorney).. Desiree, sitting side-by-side with her ex husband didn't mind throwing out those lose pieces of communication at all. . . I suppose, since the words came from Desiree's mouth, that wouldn't implicate Kaine Horman of any wrong doing- it would keep everything honest and the public could literally swoon over those statements as they would a love letter from a lover. . . How perfect! Control the media, Go over LE's head and call your own press conferences, throw out threats and accusations at your perceived enemy, and fuel all public opinion towards the idea that Terri Horman and Terri Horman alone should be hung by the neck until dead in the online forums. . .

Furthermore, subvert the ideas of a fair trial, at least in Multnomah County. Have your day in court before court ever con veins and make sure the judge knows exactly who your perpetrator is right from the start- and let him know this perpetrator is guilty without evidence that supports those facts. . .Now, after all of that, lets have a fair and impartial trial based on the actual evidence and documentation of that evidence. . . Right!

So, what is the problem with this?

We ask, "So What's Wrong With All Of This?"... It seems- plenty! Kaine and Desiree have gone to great lengths to get the media adjusted to being at their beck and call! This is for sure, but what about this statement they both keep telling us, The statement saying they believe with all of their heart that Kyron is stashed, alive and is coming home- ( It's a great statement, and a worthy heart-felt hope and belief), but, there no evidence of anything that would back up that statement- not as far I'm concerned there isn't.

Is it going to be "Life As Usual?"...

1. Realistically speaking, when Kyron comes home, he will be a traumatized child! He would have been through an ordeal that his little heart and mind couldn't comprehend and for Kyron, (in the case of Terri Horman's guilt), what exactly is he coming home too, as far as a house is concerned? Is Kaine seriously thinking that Kyron is just going to walk right back in that house and fall asleep peacefully in his bed- as he had once before done. . . or is it more realistic to understand that the memory of the very person who created this trauma would be there, in that house, ready to surface at any moment for little Kyron. . .It would seem as though the trauma of any memory of Terri Horman, which being in that house would create, would cause a child to suffer over and over again- Terri Horman's face would be lurking around every corner both inside and outside of that house. . . Is Kaine seriously asking Kyron to face this issue head on, when he comes home? I don't see a for sale sign in front of Kain's house. I hear Kaine saying Kyron is coming home, and by all accounts, I guess he means Kyron is coming home to what was Terri's house too.. a shared house between Kyron, Terri, Kaine,James and Kiara. . .

So, I guess what we see from Kaine's actions and words are summed up as this: Yes, Kyron is alive and he is coming home. Terri is guilty- (assumes Terri will be in prison, but not thinking he may be contributing to a mistrial) however, if Terri is in jail or if Terri is still "free", still, she harmed this child and the child has been deprived of life as he once knew it because of Terri's actions- therefore, Kyron is coming home to what he knew of as Terri's house....

Makes a lot of sense doesn't it!

2. Kaine moves out of this house with Kiara- Gets a RO against Terri Horman (maybe for good cause, that has yet to be proven)and Terri is tossed out of the house so in Kaine's words "Kiara would have her home and familiar environment".. Well, let me ask this.. "How soon is it O.K. for Kyron to be found and brought home"... today, tomorrow, next week.. exactly when is it time for Kyron to come home- Kiara, age 20 months could move easily and adjust easily. Kyron, on the other hand, would most likely not benefit from going back into that house under the circumstances of his life over the past three months. Is Kaine confused? Because, I don't think I'm confused about this issue. (Remember, Kaine and Desiee have both publically, on more than one occasion called Terri Horman the perpetrator against Kyron) And they have point blank told us they know Kyron is alive and coming home.. yet, we find no physical evidence that Kaine has any plan to adjust his living arrangements to meet that very need of his child who is believed to be coming home..

I don't know about the general public at this point. I've sort of lost my ability to gather my wits about me after reading public forums and being on Facebook- however, I know one thing for sure... I'd never in a million years ask my child age 7 or 8 years old to live in a house where his perpetrator's memory would follow every waking and sleeping moment! I know that!

10 More Questions:

I have at least 10 more questions in my mind at this moment just like the above. However, for the sake of the moment- (in my mind), I'll refrain from posting them. I will say this.. they all pertain to the physical evidence of how Kaine is expecting his son home and how Desiree is expecting her son home- They pertain to being prepared for Kyron's rescue, which hopefully, could be any moment, any day- the sooner the better! If there are any proactive plans on the part of Kaine and Desiree, we don't hear about them- not because it's none of our business- because it is our business- but because Kaine and Desiree spend their time calling press conferences that fuel the fires of hell on earth for Terri Horman- instead of calling press conferences that tell us how prepared they are for Kyon's return! I hope if they do that, some of my concerns in my list are covered- I'd love to know!

Kaine Gets Kyron Ready For School:

Kaine gets Kyron ready for school, even enrolls Kyron is soccer! That's good, Kaine is thinking about Kyron once again enjoying the normalcy of life! But! It seems that Kaine is thinking that Kyron's life is just going to be life as it was. Going to the same school where he was abducted! Seeing the same rooms he may have been abducted from- Even the same room he may have never made it back to before his abduction! Memories! What about memories that would cause Kyron to relive his abduction?

We have a father of a traumatized child. Life isn't as usual for a 7-8 year old child that has gone through the things Kyron has experienced- not even if Kyron is being treated well, is it normal. As far as we know, Kyron may have been taken against his will- away from his family and familiar life.

Once again, living in the same house as before, going to the same bus stop- a bus stop he didn't make it to at the end of the school day on June 4, 2010. If Terri Horman is found out to be a perpetrator- then how does Kaine figure it? It's all just going to go away, because Kaine is there? I somehow don't think so.

In my heart of hearts, for Kyron's sake, I hope CPS (Child Protective Services) is watching all of the drama being played out by Desiree and Kaine. Listening and reading about how Kaine is going to take Kyron back into the same situation and ask Kyron to go about life as usual. . . I also hope that if Terri is innocent, CPS gets involved in helping Terri and Kyron bridge the gap that Kaine and Desiree are so busy destroying for Kyron when Kyron does come home. Terri herself will have been traumatized- and yes, if Terri is innocent, I hope she does take appropriate action where Kaine and Desiree are concerned. Terri has been Kyron's mother role for most of his life. . . Today, Desiree and Kaine have seen to it that Terri Horman is public enemy no. 1.

Why couldn't Desiree and Kaine just allow LE to make the media calls? Why get entire communities in a rage - then in the next breath talk about bringing your son home to this community- Obviously they have never understood that the truth will come out, one way or the other. Maybe they don't know it's important for Kyron to be in a safe or Kyron-safe environment apart from hearing all of the stories over and over again, just to relive his abduction. Oh yeah, I hope CPS is listening.

Kaine Gets Kyron Ready For School