Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Oh I Get It, It's A Beauty Contest

It's Called "Believability"

Oh I Get It, It's A Beauty Contest! No, I'm not trying to be funny. And, no, I'm not even making an attempt to discredit one's physical beauty and charm.. we all need that, even those of us who may have a little less to offer.

But, Lets Not Be Fooled

During the first couple of months of the Kyron Horman case, Terri Horman becomes the prime suspect in the disappearance of this child. Most photos of MS. Horman are pictures of a lady in a t-shirt and jeans and the first couple of times we see Desiree Young, Desiree too, is in jeans and a Kyron Horman t-shirt... (Desiree Young is Kyron Horman's Biological mother).

KATU video of Desiree and Terri Horman- The first weeks Kyron went missing

Next, we find Desiree Young- A whole new look- as time goes on, and Mrs. Young becomes available to the media- speaking ability becomes sharpened and her appearance becomes strikingly enhanced- we don't see Mr. Young a lot anymore- standing and supporting his wife; holding her hand... now Mrs. Young is strong and seems to be getting stronger as time goes on..

Finally, Terri Horman gets a whole new look too. Terri Horman makes a public appearance in a divorce hearing. It is notable that Ms. Horman's ensemble's main color is black...

Wearing black is, for a woman, a symbol of strength and beauty, even some glammour mixed in there. Ms. Horman's ensemble makes a strong statement as she walks confidently beside her attorney, Mr. Houze. Ms. Horman is also whisked away in a "black" vehicle.. now, if that is coincidence or not, I don't know, but it is significant to note the 'regal' status of Ms. Horman's appearance today.

Believe It Or Not- This "Woman's Fashion Show" we are seeing between these two women in these recent weeks on live camera, comes from more than a need to look pretty on T.V.. . It's about "Believability". It's about sending strong signals of strength and getting the public to take another look at the speaker so as to develop a believable persona.

If we, the public, are choosing up sides based on the presenting appearance and persona of our person of interest- (meaning both Ms. Horman and Mrs. Young,) then it is worth mentioning that it's a strong possibility of being misled by appearance- Lets take all of the questions and lay them on the table, get answers for those questions- and walk in a manner worthy of Kyron Horman- who isn't into fashion shows. Kyron Horman would like us to go out and find him no matter how beautiful we are or are not, to him, we will be beautiful!