Wednesday, September 1, 2010



Terri's murder-for-hire plot doesn't work! In the best scenario, one would think that if someone wanted to hire a hit man to kill a husband, and that plot didn't work- what happens between the failure of the hit and 6 months down the road? A time span of 6 whole months with no other plan for a hit? Possible, but not likely! If there is a deep enough reason to want a husband killed, it would seem that a second attempt would come along soon after the first failure.. It Would Seem Anyway!

We all stand around talking to ourselves about the bazaar behaviour of Terri Horman. This woman has us all baffled, that's for sure! However, I've found that if one uses some common sense, one can come to logical conclusions that fit somewhat- or at least serve to fill in some gaps. It doesn't seem likely to me, that a determined woman with a plan wouldn't go after another hit man as soon as she could find one that would accomplish the job. Terri Horman still, as of this writing, has not been arrested for this murder plot against Kaine Horman- and we all wonder why.

Wouldn't this sort of thing be an offence to be arrested for? Sure it would! It's a conspiracy to commit murder with another human being. And as far as that is concerned, Terri Horman is still a free woman- free to carry out another murder plot with someone if she chose to do that. I doubt, can't prove it, but I seriously doubt that when Terri Horman was sexting with Michael Cook, she was asking Michael to go murder Kaine for her. . . Of course, Michael did look up the location of Kaine's secret address on google maps, we are told. And we are again told that he looked up the address in order to find out where Kiara was.

Well, we don't have a word from LE about this type of communication between Michael Cook and Terri Horman, so we have to just wonder to ourselves, once again! (That is until Kaine or Desiree decide to point out for the public that which LE hasn't yet pointed out- )

Is Terri Horman a dangerous criminal or isn't she? What is LE saying to us with all of their silence and lack of action against Terri Horman in this murder-for-hire plotting and planning?